ISSUE 56 (70), 2011, No.2, ISSN 1224-6042
Lazar, I. Gh., Constantin, T.A., Nicoara S.V., Popescu-Busan, A.I.,Ghițescu, M.A.,Water Flow Analysis at Mintia Dam on Mures River in Case of Endowing the Retaining Structure With a Small Hydropower Station, pp.3 |
Pricop, C., Blidaru, T.V., Kineros model implementation for the analysis of the representative watershed Ciurea – Tinoasa, IAȘI County, pp.11 |
Girbaciu I.A.,Girbaciu C., Panfil C.,Containerized water treatmentplant for contaminatedwater andoil , pp.15 |
Stăniloiu C., Borbely B., Murariu M., Small waste water treatment plants, technologies, operation and performances, pp.19 |
Hetes D., David I., Badea C., Podoleanu C. E., Some Environment Aspects Regarding the Fly Ash Dump Monitoring, pp.23 |
Girbaciu I.A.,Girbaciu C., Bakos M.,Criteria for stability in numerical methods, pp. 27 |
Panfil C., Mirel I.,Gîrbaciu I.A., Alternatives for collecting waste water from population centers located in low land areas, pp. 31 |
Gherman G., Man T.E., Gherman V.D.,SWOT analysis of Sasca Montana commune, pp. 39 |
Rusu R.M., Evapotranspiration in urban water balance, pp. 43 |
Constantinescu, L., GrozavA.,, Rogobete Gh.,Estimating water movement from salt movement, pp. 47 |
Rogobete Gh., GrozavA., Movement of water through the soil-plant-atmosphere system, pp. 51 |
Boboescu I. Z., Mirel I., Gherman V.D., Some considerations on fermentative biohydrogen production , pp. 55 |
Goloșie L., Rock’s instability after mining activity, pp. 61 |
Nemes I., Constantinescu L., Climaticmoisturedeficitinthe period1998-2011 inclimatic conditionsof theBanatPlain, pp. 67 |
Brebu F.M., Bălă A.C., Monitoring of special construction using 3D laser scanning, pp. 71 |
Butisca A. I., Rominu S. M., Bridge „King Carol I” at 116 years, pp. 75 |
Constantinescu, L., Nemeș I., Soils subsidence computation in “Banatului” plain drainage system, pp.79 |
Balaj I. C., Use of solar energy in the field of improved land, draining and irrigation systems, pp. 83 |
Zaharie M., Contributions to the determination of flooding levels using HEC-RAS program for the Mures River in Arad, pp. 87 |
Herbei M.V.,Ular R., Dragomir L., Map overlay in G.I.S., pp. 91 |
Herban S.I., Vîlceanu C.B., 3D modeling using terrestrial Leica C 10 Scanstation, pp.95 |
Sumalan, I.,Considerations about the drawing of the open channels,pp.99 |