This project is supported by a grant of the Romanian National Authority for Scientific Research and Innovation, CNCS/CCCDI - UEFISCDI.
Project type: Post-doctoral research
Contracting authority: Executive Agency for Higher Education, Research, Development and Innovation Funding – UEFISCDI
Project code: PN-III-P1-1.1-PD-2016-1093
Acronym: WIR-STAB-01
Contract: 93 from 02.05.2018
Coordinator: University Politehnica Timisoara
The aim of the project is to develop a new technology for stabilization/solidification of MSWI residues that can be scale up to a full industrial scale facility, by applying commonly used technology for dense slurry disposal and storage of slag and ash from coal power plants. The innovative concept is based on using fly ash and desulphurization products related to coal incineration as a binder material to stabilize through solidification process the pollutants (heavy metals mostly) contained in MSWI residues. The treatment of MSWI residues by stabilization/solidification method is rendered to be one of the most applied technologies. This method is used to encapsulate harmful chemical compounds by absorption, hydration or precipitation reactions, by means of using a binder matrix. The aim of this process is to create new compounds in a stabilized form that encompassing the harmful elements, which are non-hazardous or less hazardous than the raw (initial) material.
Project includes a series of experiments for embedding the MSWI residues into the coal fly ash rock matrix with the support of the preview research results. There will be establish a reasonable small scale landfill disposal dimensions, in order investigate the leaching behavior on environmental conditions, during a reasonable period of time. The experimental landfill disposal will be exposed into environment. The leaching and percolation test will be done periodically according to standards for tracking the pollutants concentrations migration into environment.
Research contract director - Coordinator
Dr.ing. Mihail Reinhold WÄCHTER
Stage I – Up-grading the existing lab demonstrator. Technical design. Purchasing of equipment.
Activity 1.1 Preparation of design documents.
Activity 1.2 Designing installations for upgrading the experimental demonstrator in accordance with the proposed technology.
Activity 1.3 Elaboration of technical datasheets for equipment purchasing.
Activity 1.4 Launch of the public procurement procedure in accordance with the legislation in force.
Activity 1.5 Reception of purchased equipment. Equipment payment
Stage II – Construction of experimental demonstrator (upgrade). First run. Testing. Lab analyses.
Activity 2.1 Integration in technological assembly.

Activity 2.2 First run and laboratory tests.

Activity 2.3 Investigation of incineration residues used in experimental campaign. Physico-chemical characterization.

Activity 2.4 Laboratory testing of various stabilization formulas.
Activity 2.5 Investigation and analyses of the experimental results.
Activity 2.6 Establishing stabilization formula suitable for landfilling based on the experimental results.
Activity 2.7 Designing the experimental landfill disposal according to the proposed technology.

Activity 2.8 Landfill construction exposed into environment. Landfill investigation.

Activity 2.9 Leaching and percolation sampling. Lab analyses of experimental samples. Data recording.
M.R. WÄCHTER, D. DANIEL, I. IONEL “Leaching investigation of a new concept of landfill disposal for waste incineration residues on environmental conditions exposure. Part 1: Scenario and disposal model setup”, GLOREP 2018 Conference, Timişoara, România – abstract accepted.
M.R. WÄCHTER, I. IONEL, A.G. Negrea “Procedeu de tratare a reziduurilor provenite din incinerarea deseurilor menajere perin solidificare-stabilizare in roca de cenusa”, Prezentare poster, Salonul International de Inventii si Inovatii "TRAIAN VUIA" Timisoara, editia a V-a, 12-14 Iunie, 2019, Publicata in catalogul oficial al salonului ISSN 978-606-35-0290-3, Editura Politehnica

Book chapter:
Book title: Advances in energy and environmental enginnering, Chapter: Clean energy recovery from urban wastes,Editura: Politehnica,Status: in print
Stage I – Up-grading the existing lab demonstrator. Technical design. Purchasing of equipment. | |||
Year | Activity | Annotation | Status |
2018 | 1.1 | Preparation of design documents. | On developing |
1.2 | Designing installations for upgrading the experimental demonstrator in accordance with the proposed technology. | On developing | |
1.3 | Elaboration of technical datasheets for equipment purchasing. | Accomplished | |
1.4 | Launch of the public procurement procedure in accordance with the legislation in force. | Accomplished | |
1.5 | Reception of purchased equipment. Equipment payment. | On developing |
Stage II – Construction of experimental demonstrator (upgrade). First run. Testing. Lab analyses. | |||
Year | Activity | Annotation | Status |
2019 | 2.1 | Integration in technological assembly. | Accomplished |
2.2 | First run and laboratory tests | Accomplished | |
2.3 | Investigation of incineration residues used in experimental campaign. Physico-chemical characterization. | Accomplished | |
2.4 | Laboratory testing of various stabilization formulas. | Accomplished | |
2.5 | Investigation and analyses of the experimental results. | Accomplished | |
2.6 | Establishing stabilization formula suitable for landfilling based on the experimental results. | Accomplished | |
2.7 | Designing the experimental landfill disposal according to the proposed technology. | Accomplished | |
2.8 | Landfill construction exposed into environment. Landfill investigation. | Accomplished | |
2.9 | Leaching and percolation sampling. Lab analyses of experimental samples. Data recording. | Accomplished |