Advanced Design of Steel and Composite structures – ADS
Coordinated by the Department of Steel Structures and Structural Mechanics (CMMC)
The CMMC Department has a tradition for more than 75 years, being involved in the national standardization process in the field of steel structures as well as the implementation of the Eurocode normative system in Romania. Today, the department is led by Professor Daniel Grecea and owns one of the largest research platforms in the domain of structural engineering – CEMSIG Laboratory, led by Academician Dan DUBINA who ensures the Romanian representation at European Convention of Constructional Steelwork (ECCS).

The largest span Romanian structure was designed within CMMC Department – Bucharest Expo Pavilion.
The first Romanian reticulated roof system – the Iron Gates power plant - was designed within CMMC Department.
One of the two highest buildings in Romania – Bucharest Tower Centre - was designed within CMMC Department.
On-going research grants
CMMC is now the Department holding the higher number of European Research Grants in Politehnica University both as number and financing.

- EQUALJOINTS European pre-QUALified steel JOINTS - RFCS
- Conception and Structural Design on Control of Failure Mechanism of Multi-storey Structures Subjected to Accidental Actions: PN-II type
- LOCAFI Temperature assessment of a vertical steel member subjected to localised Fire - RFCS
- Seismic protection through damping systems, type Collaborative research

- Theory of elasticity and plasticity;
- Advanced Finite Element Analysis;
- Research and Design Assisted by Testing;
- Life Cycle Analysis for Building Structures;
- Robustness of structures under extreme actions;
- Performance Based Seismic Design;
- Advanced Fire Design
- Advanced Design of Composite Steel-Concrete Structures;
- Introduction to Fire Design; Cold-formed Steel Design*;
- Steel and Composite Steel-Concrete Bridge Structures*;
- High-Rise Steel Structures*;
- Long-Span Steel Structures*;
- Aluminium Alloy Structures*;
- Metal Shell Structures*;
* Optional subjects
During the last 2 years, 10 students at CMMC master studies have developed their dissertations in double coordination with partner universities (Liege, Coimbra, Napoli, Clermont-Ferrand), and three students followed one-year equivalent master studies at Konstanz University.

A large majority of the ADS master course graduates are now employed in design companies or foreign universities, due to their experience achieved during master studies and the recommendations made by the teaching staff.
ADS – for whom?
- bachelor graduates in civil engineering who wish to enrich their knowledges with new perspectives related to the design of structures;
- bachelor graduates in related domains (technical domains with background in theoretical mechanics and strength of materials) who wish the specialization in civil engineering.

ADS programme offers
- integration together with the Ph.D. students in a very dynamic research group;
- possibility for study or research grants for the accomplishment of the dissertations within double coordination at prestigious partner universities from Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Great Britain or Portugal, through ERASMUS + exchanges;
- possibility of further continuation of master studies with Ph.D., in direct correlation with the ongoing national and international research grants at departmental level, including Ph.D. grants at partner universities.
Mission of the master programme ADS
- continuation and completion of the bachelor degree studies through modern design of civil and industrial structures;
- access to supplementary expertise in compatible engineering domains: mechanical engineering, mining, building management, etc. ;
- initiation of the students in research and development activities, preceding Ph.D. courses;
- current use of technical English in the field of structural structures.
Admission Information on the UPT site
For further inquiries please use the following email addresses: